Friday, January 16, 2009

There are a lot of things I miss about the US - family, friends, the food, the fast pace, the conveniences and luxuries like WalMart and driving a car. I can appreciate all those things more now. Last night, we went to a bar called SUGAR. The bar's website slogan is "Everything you miss about America" - they have hot wings and cookies, yummy!! But I definitely appreciate the culture here. I asked a local how the girls here stay so skinny and model-like with food staples like ham, cheese, and pastries. Apparently, the women here are vain and always eat in moderation. In the US, places like TGIFriday's don't really help our figures with their heaping portions. Plus, the Argentines walk everywhere. In one of the lessons, an Argentine student was asked to elicit modes of transportation. He said "skates, bus, taxi, plane....". The teacher pushed for a very important one. He couldn't think of anything else. CAR, hello???!! I miss driving my jeep, but apparently, EHEM.... I think somebody's selling it back home :(

Tomorrow we might go to Tigre, which is by Mar de la Plata - a one hour train ride. I'm ready for an adventure!

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