Saturday, January 17, 2009


I exposed my freakish nightmare routine to the class the other night, which is that about three times per week, I have a nightmare. Some people are able to control their dreams through lucid dreaming. I have not been able to. Most people are shocked that I have that many scary dreams. Jason, a student in my class, recommended that I try flipping a switch in my dream to affirm that it is IN FACT a dream, and nothing can hurt me. Or you can look at your watch, and the watch will not tell time but it will simply display a bunch of symbols. These approaches are easier said than done. Last night I had a nightmare that a guy with a bag over his head stopped on him bike, telling me he was going to kill some girl named Sarah. He proceeded to show me her address on a piece of paper, then laughed as he rode on toward her house. I walked away, very disturbed. Only until three blocks later did I realize I might be able to prevent the murder (this may have been part of my consciousness that it was only a dream). I started running toward my apartment in Buenos Aires to call 911. I couldn't for the life of me remember my address. And my dream ended. So, any advice for a troubled mind??

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