Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today I taught a low intermediate class. It was probably the most challenging thus far, because I didn't know what to expect. I've only taught high beginners, but altogether the teaching experience has been really good for me.

OBSERVATIONS: Due to inflation, the price for the Subte has gone up 30 cents, and a small cup of coffee is $2.25 (more than normal). Unbelievable! Gas station coffee at home is a buck! :(
The university here gives a free education. So, you pay more for coffee than for an education?

Argentina has a woman president named Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. I think the inspiration for having a woman president came from their beloved Eva Peron. I can't believe I missed the inauguration today for lesson planning -- I was disappointed about that. We had a little debate about whether the president has a double/stand-in or not, for big speeches and places where security is questionable. Is that just a myth?

1 comment:

  1. I'd be willing to bet that if education is less than the cost of a small coffee (not even medium or GRANDE for that matter) then there is one of two things happening here...either the coffee is REALLY REALLY good - or the education is far from decent (which no offence, but perhaps should make you reconsider lesson plans for the week?) hehehe. so glad you're inspired by the culture & economics of the country sham!
