Thursday, January 22, 2009


I wondered for awhile why whenever I buy something in Buenos Aires, the cashier always asks for exact change. Apparently, there is a shortage of coins/"monedas" around here. So all businesses have been stocking up on monedas. In fact, I was informed there is a "Moneda Mafia" here. They hoard coins and sell them back for more than they're worth.

OBSERVATION: There is a strong Italian influence here. Their accent along with their food is said to be very similar to Italy, and I see that now. Also, they give a whole new meaning to a "bar of soap". In the bathrooms, there is usually a bar of soap ON the end of a metal bar coming out of the wall. So everyone touches the same bar to clean their hands.

Today, I took my TEFL class test. I'm pretty positive I passed, but no harm in keeping my fingers crossed! I actually feel prepared to teach. I sent my resume to a company that was recommended by our TEFL director. A few of the TEFL students have already gotten interviews. Meanwhile, my internet's not working, so I have to use Marisol's computer when it's not inconvenient for her.

Tonight, I'm going over to a few of the girls' apartment for dinner in Palermo. Apparently they cook up a storm!!

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