Monday, February 2, 2009


Yesterday, I walked to La Boca with some classmates. La Boca is a colorful barrio of Buenos Aires. It took us about two hours to get there, but in the heart of La Boca, we discovered the futbol stadium (La Bombonera)! Great story behind its painted blue and gold colors: The portenos (Argentines) stood out on by the port of Riachuelo, and proclaimed they would paint the stadium whichever color the next boat that drove into the port was. Behold, it was a blue and gold ship from Sweden! Ironic, but now the town is splashed with those colors along with many others.

Soccer is so important to the portenos that 3 paper mache figures stand at the same level on a balcony in La Boca - Eva and Juan Peron, and the most famous soccer player, Diego Maradona.

It is a slummy but touristy area, with the most famous street being El Caminito. Here, the street is lined with vendors, tango dancers, music and lots of colors!

Last night, we watched the SUPERBOWL minus the great commercials because we watched it on ESPN VIVA (Spanish Channel). GO STEELERS!!! Great game! We were in CasaBar, a bar for Americans, fully equipped with hot wings and burgers, so at least I didn't miss out on that tradition :)

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