Saturday, February 14, 2009

San Valentin

They still have Valentine's Day here - it's just called San Valentine instead!

I taught my first two classes yesterday, and they both went well. They are 1-on1 sessions. I teach young employees (ranging from 18-24 years old). I like the company I work for because they give me the materials - I just teach what they give me! The pay isn't great, but once my other job starts, hopefully I'll be making enough money to slide by here for a couple more months. Next week I will have 8 hours of work (I know... not much), but they will give me more each week once they get comfortable with my teaching, and soon I will have a full schedule.

Nick is coming into town from February 22 - March 3. We are going to Iguazu Falls for 4 days, we'll stay in a hostel, and I'm SO excited! Yes, it's a 20-hour bus ride, but it will be worth it. I can't wait to show him my little world in Buenos Aires. I have a lot planned for us, and I want to impress him so he goes back and tells everyone how AMAZING it is here.

A bar I went to last night played all American music. That was fine with me! I danced my socks off and stayed until 5 am. Needless to say, I slept in today.

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