Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I tried to send out a check to the US today at the post office. I waited in line for an hour, and there were only 20 numbers ahead of me. That's just the Argentine pace, I guess. I waited that long to find that I had to go to a different location, where they would charge duty to send $$ to a different country. There HAS to be a way around this. I did not send the check out.

It's 89 degrees here today. Hot and sticky.

INTERESTING STORY: Last night we watched the movie "World Trade Center". There's a girl from New York in our class who commented that she was on the cover of the New York Times that morning at 7 a.m. for Improper Dress Code. She pulled up the article online for us to see. It was a slow day for news in New York, until two hours later. Her dad commutes through the World Trade Center daily. He was in the 2nd tower when the first collapsed. He was told to get down on the floor with his hands over his head, but he ran instead, and saved his life.

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