Thursday, April 2, 2009


I found a place to live! I'll be living with an Argentine family 6 blocks from work in Barrio Norte (not the nicest neighborhood, but it's safe). I have a 26-year-old "sister", Eugenia, and parents, Marta and Ramon. They're all really nice people. They talk slow, which is great for me, and the dad is a professor of Physics, Math, and Chemistry (we probably won't be on the same page for a lot of things haha). I'm excited to move in.

Today, I spotted a cockroach making its way across my bedroom floor, and I screamed like a little girl. Joe couldn't get to it fast enough, so now it's in the crack of the wall just waiting for me to go to sleep and crawl up next to me in bed. Yuck.

Argentina's ex-president Alfonsin Raul died 2 days ago. He was president from '83 to '89, after the "Dirty War". He's considered the father of Argentina's current democracy. He was actually buried in the Recoleta Cemetery (along with Eva Peron and other heroes of Argentina). He was a hero because he placed military leaders on trial for murder crimes. Today, there were thousands of people outside of the cemetery for his funeral.

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