Sunday, April 12, 2009


Every Sunday, we promote the Pub Crawl in the biggest tourist area in downtown Buenos Aires, the San Telmo Sunday Market. You can hear English being spoken all around you. We hand out flyers and try to capture peoples' interest. Today, I think I had the greatest success because I promoted myself to an iced coffee vendor. He told me to come out and sell cookies next Sunday with he and his partner! He said two girls from the Pub Crawl did it awhile ago, selling each cookie for 2 pesos and made a huge profit (because portenos can't resist baked goods with coffee).

I took a long stroll down a main avenue, Corrientes. This street, for about 10 blocks, is book/music/cafe heaven! It was great.... probably my new favorite street.

I had a late dinner tonight, making the mistake of eating outside. There was a soccer game tonight on TV, and all the old portenos inside were getting drunk, and one assumed that because he had the waitress bring me a drink that he had the right to sit with me for the rest of my dinner. After I finally caught the waitress' eye and she dragged him away from my table, a kid beggar got mad at me for not coughing up some free pesos, and threw a dirty napkin at me. Never know what you're gonna get in good ol' B.A.

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